<?php /* SPORA v1.2 Simple Page Of Registration of Accounts for MangOs It is made in the form of one page with fields of input of the information of an account and the list of players being on a server. 14.09.2006 http://pomm.da.ru/ Created by mirage666 (c) (mailto:mirage666@pisem.net icq# 152263154) #################################################################### SPORA The Burning Crusade Edition Build V1.4 on SPORA 22.05.2007 http://powerlogy.blogspot.com/ Contact @ : powerlogy@gmail.com !Turkiye! */ require_once( 'configuration.php' ); Switch ($lang) { case "en": $button="create_en.gif"; $text = Array( 'acc' => 'Creation of account', 'create' => 'is completed !', 'failed' => 'was not possible !', 'not_all' => 'Fields are filled not all', 'playerson' => 'players online', 'off' => 'is offline', 'name' => 'Account Name', 'tbc' => 'Account Feature', 'password' => 'Password', 'ip_limit' => Array('From your IP ',' accounts are already created'), 'char' => Array('Name','Race','Class','LvL','Location'), 'backtext' => 'Back', ); break; case "ru": $button="create_ru.gif"; $text = Array( 'acc' => 'Ńîçäŕíčĺ ŕęęŕóíňŕ', 'create' => 'çŕâĺđřĺíî !', 'failed' => 'íĺâîçěîćíî !', 'not_all' => 'Çŕďîëíĺíű íĺ âńĺ ďîë˙', 'playerson' => 'čăđîęîâ íŕ ńĺđâĺđĺ', 'off' => 'ńĺé÷ŕń îňęëţ÷ĺí', 'name' => 'Čě˙ Ŕęęŕóíňŕ', 'tbc' => '?????????????? ?????', 'password' => 'Ďŕđîëü', 'ip_limit' => Array('Ń âŕřĺăî IP ',' ŕęęŕóíňîâ óćĺ ńîçäŕíî'), 'char' => Array('Ďĺđńîíŕć','Đŕńŕ','Ęëŕńń','ËâË','Đŕńďîëîćĺíčĺ'), 'backtext' => 'Back', ); break; case "tr": $button="create_tr.gif"; $text = Array( 'acc' => 'Hesap Alýmý', 'create' => 'tamamlandý !', 'failed' => 'münkün deđil !', 'not_all' => 'Gerekli alanlar boţ býrakýlmýţ', 'playerson' => 'oyuncu çevrimiçi', 'off' => 'çevrimdýţý', 'name' => 'Hesap Özelliđi', 'tbc' => 'Hesap Ţekli', 'password' => 'Ţifre', 'ip_limit' => Array('Bu IP adresi ile ',' hesap zaten açýlmýţ'), 'char' => Array('Ýsim','Irk','Sýnýf','Seviye','Yer'), 'backtext' => 'Geri', ); break; case "hu": $button="create_en.gif"; $text = Array( 'acc' => 'Account létrehozása', 'create' => 'Kész!', 'failed' => 'Sikertelen!', 'not_all' => 'Nincs kitöltve minden mező˙', 'playerson' => 'Játékos Online', 'off' => 'jelenleg nem fut', 'name' => 'Account név', 'tbc' => 'Account típusa', 'password' => 'Jelszó', 'ip_limit' => Array('Erről az IP-ről ',' már regisztráltak'), 'char' => Array('Név','Faj','Kaszt','Szint','Pozició'), 'backtext' => 'Vissza', ); } $maps_a = Array( 0 => 'Azeroth', 1 => 'Kalimdor', 2 => 'UnderMine', 13 => 'Test zone', 17 => 'Kalidar', 30 => 'Alterac Valley', 33 => 'Shadowfang Keep Instance', 34 => 'The Stockade Instance', 35 => 'Stormwind Prizon', 36 => 'Deadmines Instance', 37 => 'Plains of Snow', 43 => 'Wailing Caverns Instance', 44 => 'Monastery Interior', 47 => 'Razorfen Kraul Instance', 48 => 'Blackfathom Deeps Instance', 70 => 'Uldaman Instance', 90 => 'Gnomeregan Instance', 109 => 'Sunken Temple Instance', 129 => 'Razorfen Downs Instance', 530 => 'Outland', 169 => 'Emerald Forest', 189 => 'Scarlet Monastery Instance', 209 => 'ZulFarrak Instance', 229 => 'Blackrock Spire Instance', 230 => 'Blackrock Depths Instance', 249 => 'Onyxias Lair Instance', 269 => 'Caverns of Time', 289 => 'Scholomance Instance', 309 => 'ZulGurub Instance', 329 => 'Stratholme Instance', 349 => 'Maraudon Instance', 369 => 'Deeprun Tram', 389 => 'Ragefire Chasm Instance', 409 => 'The Molten Core Instance', 429 => 'Dire Maul Instance', 449 => 'Alliance PVP Barracks', 450 => 'Horde PVP Barracks', 451 => 'Development Land', 469 => 'Blackwing Lair Instance', 489 => 'Warsong Gulch', 509 => 'Ruins of AhnQiraj Instance', 529 => 'Arathi Basin', 531 => 'Temple of AhnQiraj Instance', 533 => 'Naxxramas Instance', 532 => 'Karazahn', 534 => 'Hyjal Past', 540 => 'Shattered Halls Instance', 542 => 'Blood Furnace Instance', 543 => 'Hellfire Ramparts Instance', 544 => 'Magtheridons Lair Instance', 545 => 'Steamvault Instance', 546 => 'Underbog Instance', 547 => 'Slave Pens Instance', 548 => 'Coilfang Resevoir Instance', 550 => 'Tempest Keep', 552 => 'Tempest Keep', 553 => 'Tempest Keep', 554 => 'Tempest Keep', 555 => 'Auchindoun', 556 => 'Auchindoun', 557 => 'Auchindoun', 558 => 'Auchindoun', 559 => 'Nagrand Arena', 560 => 'Hillsbrad Past', 562 => 'Blades Edge Arena', 564 => 'Black Temple', 565 => 'Gruuls Lair', 566 => 'Netherstorm Arena', 568 => 'Zulaman', ); $zone = Array( 0 => Array( Array(700,10,1244,1873,'Undercity',1497), Array(-840,-1330,-5050,-4560,'Ironforge',1537), Array(1190,200,-9074,-8280,'Stormwind City',1519), Array(-2170,-4400,-7348,-6006,'Badlands',3), Array(-500,-4400,-4485,-2367,'Wetlands',11), Array(2220,-2250,-15422,-11299,'Stranglethorn Vale',33), Array(-1724,-3540,-9918,-8667,'Redridge Mountains',44), Array(-2480,-4400,-6006,-4485,'Loch Modan',38), Array(662,-1638,-11299,-9990,'Duskwood',10), Array(-1638,-2344,-11299,-9918,'Deadwind Pass',41), Array(834,-1724,-9990,-8526,'Elwynn Forest',12), Array(-500,-3100,-8667,-7348,'Burning Steppes',46), Array(-608,-2170,-7348,-6285,'Searing Gorge',51), Array(2000,-2480,-6612,-4485,'Dun Morogh',1), Array(-1575,-5425,-432,805,'The Hinterlands',47), Array(3016,662,-11299,-9400,'Westfall',40), Array(600,-1575,-1874,220,'Hillsbrad Foothills',267), Array(-2725,-6056,805,3800,'Eastern Plaguelands',139), Array(-850,-2725,805,3400,'Western Plaguelands',28), Array(2200,600,-900,1525,'Silverpine Forest',130), Array(2200,-850,1525,3400,'Tirisfal Glades',85), Array(-2250,-3520,-12800,-10666,'Blasted Lands',4), Array(-2344,-4516,-11070,-9600,'Swamp of Sorrows',8), Array(-1575,-3900,-2367,-432,'Arathi Highlands',45), Array(600,-1575,220,1525,'Alterac Mountains',36), ), 1 => Array( Array(2698,2030,9575,10267,'Darnassus',1657), Array(326,-360,-1490,-910,'Thunder Bluff',1638), Array(-3849,-4809,1387,2222,'Orgrimmar',1637), Array(-1300,-3250,7142,8500,'Moonglade',493), Array(2021,-400,-9000,-6016,'Silithus',1377), Array(-2259,-7000,4150,8500,'Winterspring',618), Array(-400,-2094,-8221,-6016,'Un\'Goro Crater',490), Array(-590,-2259,3580,7142,'Felwood',361), Array(-3787,-8000,1370,6000,'Azshara',16), Array(-1900,-5500,-10475,-6825,'Tanaris',440), Array(-2478,-5500,-5135,-2330,'Dustwallow Marsh',15), Array(360,-1536,-3474,-412,'Mulgore',215), Array(4000,-804,-6828,-2477,'Feralas',357), Array(3500,360,-2477,372,'Desolace',405), Array(-804,-5500,-6828,-4566,'Thousand Needles',400), Array(-3758,-5500,-1300,1370,'Durotar',14), Array(1000,-3787,1370,4150,'Ashenvale',331), Array(2500,-1300,4150,8500,'Darkshore',148), Array(3814,-1100,8600,11831,'Teldrassil',141), Array(3500,-804,-412,3580,'Stonetalon Mountains',406), Array(-804,-4200,-4566,1370,'The Barrens',17), ), 530 => Array( Array(6135.25,4829,-2344.78,-1473.95,'Shattrath City',3703), Array(-6400.75,-7612.20,9346.93,10153.70,'Silvermoon City',3487), Array(5483.33,-91.66,1739.58,5456.25,'Netherstorm',3523), Array(7083.33,1683.33,-4600,-999.99,'Terokkar Forest',3519), Array(10295.83,4770.83,-3641.66,41.66,'Nagrand',3518), Array(-10075,-13337.49,-2933.33,-758.33,'Bloodmyst Isle',3525), Array(8845.83,3420.83,791.66,4408.33,'Blades Edge Mountains',3522), Array(4225,-1275,-5614.58,-1947.91,'Shadowmoon Valley',3520), Array(-11066.36,-12123.13,-4314.37,-3609.68,'The Exodar',3557), Array(9475,4447.91,-1416.66,1935.41,'Zangarmarsh',3521), Array(5539.58,375,-1962.49,1481.25,'Hellfire Peninsula',3483), Array(-10500,-14570.83,-5508.33,-2793.75,'Azuremyst Isle',3524), Array(-5283.33,-8583.33,6066.66,8266.66,'Ghostlands',3433), Array(-4487,-9412,7758,11041,'Eversong Woods',3430) ), ); $def = Array( 'character_race' => Array( 1 => 'Human', 2 => 'Orc', 3 => 'Dwarf', 4 => 'Night Elf', 5 => 'Undead', 6 => 'Tauren', 7 => 'Gnome', 8 => 'Troll', 9 => 'Goblin', 10 => 'Dranei', 11 => 'Blood Elf', ), 'character_class' => Array( 1 => 'Warrior', 2 => 'Paladin', 3 => 'Hunter', 4 => 'Rogue', 5 => 'Priest', 7 => 'Shaman', 8 => 'Mage', 9 => 'Warlock', 11 => 'Druid', ), 'character_rank' => Array( 'alliance' => Array( 1 => 'Private', 2 => 'Corporal', 3 => 'Sergeant', 4 => 'Master Sergeant', 5 => 'Sergeant Major', 6 => 'Knight', 7 => 'Knight-Lieutenant', 8 => 'Knight-Captain', 9 => 'Knight-Champion', 10 => 'Lieutenant Commander', 11 => 'Commander', 12 => 'Marshal', 13 => 'Field Marshal', 14 => 'Grand Marshal' ), 'horde' => Array( 1 => 'Scout', 2 => 'Grunt', 3 => 'Sergeant', 4 => 'Senior Sergeant', 5 => 'First Sergeant', 6 => 'Stone Guard', 7 => 'Blood Guard', 8 => 'Legionnare', 9 => 'Centurion', 10 => 'Champion', 11 => 'Lieutenant General', 12 => 'General', 13 => 'Warlord', 14 => 'High Warlord' ) ), ); class DBLayer { var $link_id; var $query_result; var $saved_queries = array(); var $num_queries = 0; function DBLayer($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name) { $this->link_id = @mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, true); if ($this->link_id) { if (@mysql_select_db($db_name, $this->link_id)) return $this->link_id; else error('Unable to select database. MySQL reported: '.mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else error('Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: '.mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__); } function query($sql) { $this->query_result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->link_id); if ($this->query_result) { ++$this->num_queries; return $this->query_result; } else { return false; } } function result($query_id = 0, $row = 0) { return ($query_id) ? @mysql_result($query_id, $row) : false; } function fetch_assoc($query_id = 0) { return ($query_id) ? @mysql_fetch_assoc($query_id) : false; } function fetch_row($query_id = 0) { return ($query_id) ? @mysql_fetch_row($query_id) : false; } function num_rows($query_id = 0) { return ($query_id) ? @mysql_num_rows($query_id) : false; } function affected_rows() { return ($this->link_id) ? @mysql_affected_rows($this->link_id) : false; } function insert_id() { return ($this->link_id) ? @mysql_insert_id($this->link_id) : false; } function get_num_queries() { return $this->num_queries; } function get_saved_queries() { return $this->saved_queries; } function free_result($query_id = false) { return ($query_id) ? @mysql_free_result($query_id) : false; } function escape($str) { if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) return mysql_real_escape_string($str, $this->link_id); else return mysql_escape_string($str); } function error() { $result['error_sql'] = @current(@end($this->saved_queries)); $result['error_no'] = @mysql_errno($this->link_id); $result['error_msg'] = @mysql_error($this->link_id); return $result; } function close() { if ($this->link_id) { if ($this->query_result) @mysql_free_result($this->query_result); return @mysql_close($this->link_id); } else return false; } } class honor_system { var $realm_db; var $mangos_db; function get_all_honor() { $q = $this->mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character_kill` ORDER BY `guid`"); while($res_row = $this->mangos_db->fetch_assoc($q)) { if($res_row['type']==1){ $honor_arr[$res_row['guid']] += $res_row['honor']; }elseif($res_row['type']==2){ $honor_arr[$res_row['guid']] -= $res_row['honor']; } } return $honor_arr; } function get_character_honor($char_id) { $q = $this->mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character_kill` WHERE `guid`='$char_id'"); while($res_row = $this->mangos_db->fetch_assoc($q)) { if($res_row['type']==1){ $honor += $res_row['honor']; }elseif($res_row['type']==2){ $honor -= $res_row['honor']; } } return $honor; } function calc_character_rank($honor_points) { $rank = 0; if($honor_points <= 0){ $rank = 0; } else{ if($honor_points < 2000 and $honor_points > 500) $rank = 2; else if($honor_points <= 500 and $honor_points > 0) $rank = 1; else if ($honor_points >= 2000) $rank = round(($honor_points / 5000) + 1,0); } return $rank; } } function error($message, $file, $line, $db_error = false) { global $siteerrors; $s = "\t\t".'Error: <strong>'.$message.'.</strong>'."\n"; echo $s; } function get_zone_name($mapid, $x, $y){ global $maps_a, $zone; if (!empty($maps_a[$mapid])) { $zmap=$maps_a[$mapid]; if (($mapid==0) or ($mapid==1)) { $i=0; $c=count($zone[$mapid]); while ($i<$c) { if ($zone[$mapid][$i][2] < $x AND $zone[$mapid][$i][3] > $x AND $zone[$mapid][$i][1] < $y AND $zone[$mapid][$i][0] > $y) $zmap=$zone[$mapid][$i][4]; $i++; } } } else $zmap="Unknown zone"; return $zmap; } function test_realm(){ global $server, $port; $s = @fsockopen("$server", $port, $ERROR_NO, $ERROR_STR,(float)0.5); if($s){@fclose($s);return true;} else return false; } function get_realm_name(){ global $hostr, $userr, $passwordr, $dbr, $database_encoding; $realm_db = new DBLayer($hostr, $userr, $passwordr, $dbr); $realm_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding"); $query = $realm_db->query("SELECT * FROM `realmlist`"); $result = $realm_db->fetch_assoc($query); $realm_db->close(); unset($realm_db); return($result['name']); } if (empty($_POST['username']) and empty($_POST['passw']) and empty($_POST['email'])) { $cont=' <TR> <TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=110 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=15></TD> <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL for=username>'.$text["name"].':</LABEL> </B><BR><INPUT id=username style="WIDTH: 175px" tabIndex=1 maxLength=16 size=18 name=username></TD> <TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=15></TD></TR> <TR><TD width=190 height=1></TD></TR> <TR><TD width=190 height=1></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL for=passw>'.$text["password"].':</LABEL> </B><BR><INPUT id=passw style="WIDTH: 175px" tabIndex=2 type=password maxLength=12 size=18 name=passw></TD></TR> <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL for=tbc>'.$text["tbc"].':</LABEL> </B><BR><select size="1" name="tbc"> <option selected value="1">TBC</option> <option value="0">WoW</option></select> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=center align=left width=190><B style="FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: white; LETTER-SPACING: 3px; FONT-VARIANT: small-caps"><LABEL for=email>E-mail:</LABEL> </B><BR><INPUT id=email style="WIDTH: 175px" tabIndex=2 maxLength=50 size=18 name=email></TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=left> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><IMG height=3 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=1></TD> <TD></TD> <TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=left colSpan=3> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><IMG height=39 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif" width=19></TD> <TD><INPUT class=button style="WIDTH: 168px; HEIGHT: 39px" tabIndex=3 type=image alt=Create src="'.$img_base.$button.'" value=Create border=0></TD> </TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>'; } elseif (empty($_POST['username']) or empty($_POST['passw']) or empty($_POST['email'])) { $cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL class=error> '.$text["not_all"].' <br><br><a href="" onClick="history.go(-1)">'.$text["backtext"].'</a></SMALL></TD></TD></TR>'; } else { $username = htmlspecialchars(trim("$_POST[username]")); $passw = trim($_POST['passw']); $email = htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['email'])); $tbc = trim($_POST['tbc']); $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); // ńäĺëŕňü ďđîâĺđęó íŕ íĺďîëó÷ĺíčĺ čďŕ $realm_db = new DBLayer($hostr, $userr, $passwordr, $dbr); $realm_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding"); $ip_cr=0; if ($lock_reg!=0){ $query = $realm_db->query("SELECT `last_ip` FROM `account` WHERE `last_ip`='$ip'"); while($result = $realm_db->fetch_assoc($query)) $ip_cr++; } if (($ip_cr>=$lock_reg) && ($lock_reg!=0)) { $cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL class=error> '.$text["ip_limit"][0].$ip.'<br>'.$ip_cr.$text["ip_limit"][1].' <br><br><a href="" onClick="history.go(-1)">'.$text["backtext"].'</a></SMALL></TD></TD></TR>'; } else { if($realm_db->query("INSERT INTO `account` (`username`,`password`,`email`,`last_ip`,`locked`,`tbc`) VALUES ('$username','$passw','$email','$ip','$lock_acc','$tbc')")) { $cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL> '.$text["acc"].'<br><strong>'.$username.'</strong><br>'.$text["create"].'<br> </SMALL></TD></TD></TR>'; } else { $cont='<TR><TD rowSpan=6><IMG height=182 width=1 src="'.$img_base.'pixel.gif"><TD align=Center><SMALL class=error> '.$text["acc"].'<br><strong>'.$username.'</strong><br>'.$text["failed"].' <br><br><a href="" onClick="history.go(-1)">'.$text["backtext"].'</a></SMALL></TD></TD></TR>'; } } $realm_db->close(); unset($realm_db); } function make_players_array(){ global $host, $user, $password, $db, $database_encoding, $pl_array; $i=0; $mangos_db = new DBLayer($host, $user, $password, $db); $mangos_db->query("SET NAMES $database_encoding"); $query = $mangos_db->query("SELECT * FROM `character` WHERE `online`='1' ORDER BY `name`"); while($result = $mangos_db->fetch_assoc($query)) { $char_data = explode(' ',$result['data']); $char_gender = dechex($char_data[36]); $char_gender = str_pad($char_gender,8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $char_gender = $char_gender{3}; $res_pos=get_zone_name($result['map'], $result['position_x'], $result['position_y']); $pl_array[$i] = Array($result['name'], $result['race'], $result['class'], $char_data[34], $res_pos, $char_gender); $i++; } $mangos_db->close(); unset($mangos_db); return $i; } $onlineplayers=make_players_array(); if (!$sort = &$_GET['s']) $sort=0; if (!$flag = &$_GET['f']) $flag=0; if ($flag==0) { $flag=1; $sort_type='<'; } else { $flag=0; $sort_type='>'; } $link=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?f=".$flag."&s="; if (!empty($pl_array)) { usort($pl_array, create_function('$a, $b', 'if ( $a['.$sort.'] == $b['.$sort.'] ) return 0; if ( $a['.$sort.'] '.$sort_type.' $b['.$sort.'] ) return -1; return 1;')); } $list=""; $i=0; while ($i < $onlineplayers) { $name=$pl_array[$i][0]; $race=$pl_array[$i][1]; $class=$pl_array[$i][2]; $res_race = $def['character_race'][$race]; $res_class = $def['character_class'][$class]; $lvl=$pl_array[$i][3]; $loc=$pl_array[$i][4]; $gender=$pl_array[$i][5]; $list.= " <tr class=txt> <td></td> <td>$name</td> <td align='center'><img alt=$res_race src='".$img_base.$race."-$gender.gif' height='18' width='18'></td> <td align='center'><img alt=$res_class src='".$img_base."$class.gif' height='18' width='18'></td> <td align='center'>$lvl</td> <td >$loc</td> </tr>"; $i++; } $title=get_realm_name(); $copyright=get_realm_name(); $status=get_realm_name(); if (test_realm()) { $title.=(' ('.$onlineplayers.' '.$text["playerson"].')'); $status = "<img alt=Online src='".$img_base."online.gif' height='18' width='18'>"; } else { $title.=(' '.$text["off"] ); $status = "<img alt=Offline src='".$img_base."offline.gif' height='18' width='18'>"; } //Please Dont Edit Copyright Line , Respect To Our Work! $foorat="<center><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\"><b>This RoSPORA Licenced to $copyright</b></font><br><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"1\">RoSPORAis a free software released under the GNU/GPL<br>SPORA engine code is © copyright by <a href=\"mailto:mirage666@pisem.net\">mirage666</a><br>RoSPORA re-desined engine code is © copyright by <a href=\"mailto:powerlogy@gmail.com\">PoWeRLoGY</a></font>"; // Main part !!! ?> <HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><TITLE><?php print $title ?></TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=<?php print $charset ?>"><LINK id=bnetstyle href="<?php print $img_base ?>style.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet> <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="img/wowlogoanim.gif" type="image/gif"> <script type="text/javascript"> var weekdaystxt=["Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat"] function showLocalTime(container, servermode, offsetMinutes, displayversion){ if (!document.getElementById || !document.getElementById(container)) return this.container=document.getElementById(container) this.displayversion=displayversion var servertimestring=(servermode=="server-php")? 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